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MarketPlace Philadelphia Team Raises $3,500 In Annual Plane Pull

The MarketPlace Philadelphia Management team pooled all of its strength at the fourth annual Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House Plane Pull event May 19 to raise more than $3,500.

The tug-of-war competition pits teams against each other to see who can pull a plane over the designated distance in the least amount of time. It is held on the Atlantic Aviation tarmac at Philadelphia International (PHL) and organized by The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.

The event is aimed to raise money as well as awareness for PRMH, which helps local families in need. The program provides a home away from home for families of critically ill children receiving treatment at local hospitals. It operates two houses in Philadelphia, serving a total of 63 families each day.

The MarketPlace Philadelphia team has collected nearly $10,770 in the past year for the charity, including money raised from the Plane Pull.

“The Plane Pull is bigger and better every year and has become a tradition Marketplace Philadelphia Management is proud to support,” says Clarence LeJeune, president of MarketPlace Philadelphia Management. “Competition is always high for raising the most amount of money, but at the end of the day, the true winners are everyone invested in helping local families through this extraordinary event.”

