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AAAE Endows Scholarship Honoring Newman

The American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) Foundation has permanently endowed a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Scholarship (DEI) in honor of past AAAE Chair Carl Newman, who passed away recently after a distinguished career of service to AAAE and the aviation industry.

The endowed Diversity, Equity & Inclusion scholarship, the association’s second, will allow for the issuance of annual awards totaling at least $5,000 to deserving students in perpetuity.

“Carl was passionate about mentorship and developing individuals, which contributed to his success as an airport leader and made him a role model for many across our industry, including myself,” said Perry Miller, AAAE chair, and president and CEO of the Richmond International Airport (RIC). “His legacy will live on in every student who receives this scholarship in his name.”

The Carl D. Newman, A.A.E., Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Scholarship will be awarded annually to an ethnic minority student enrolled in a college or university aviation program with a junior, senior, or graduate student standing and a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Newman served as AAAE Chair in 2016-2017. During his aviation career, he served as airport manager at Glendale Municipal Airport (GEU) in Arizona, CEO of the Jackson Municipal Airport (JAN) Authority and in senior positions with the Houston Airport System and the City of Phoenix Aviation Department.

