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ACI-NA To Honor Brink With William E. Downes Jr. Memorial Award

Marjorie Brink will be receiving the William E. Downes Jr. Memorial Award from Airports Council International-North America.

Brink, a former vice president at LeighFisher Associates and a longtime airport consultant, will be given the award Sept. 12 in Calgary, Canada, during the 2012 ACI-NA/World Annual Conference and Exhibition.

“Marjorie Brink epitomizes the level of professionalism and leadership that we should all strive to achieve during our aviation careers,” says David N. Edwards, chairman of the Downes Award Nomination Committee and president of Greenville-Spartanburg International (GSP). “Her contributions to the industry in the area of airport concessions are unmatched and as an industry we will forever be grateful.”

The award is named after the former Chicago, Ill., aviation director and is ACI-NA’s highest honor.

Brink began working in the aviation industry in 1961, and her career included pioneering concessions development and directing consulting assignments for more than 50 airports. In addition, she prepared the first formal concession policy for a U.S. airport and developed the first standardized airport lease policy as a way to try to establish dependable aesthetic standards for airport development projects.

