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Airport $3.6 billion dynamo for area

Study shows economic impact in 2005; new terminal big generator of business
By Laura Ruane, The Fort Myers (FL) News-Press
Southwest Florida International had a $3.6 billion impact on the region’s
economy last year; Page Field General Aviation Airport contributed another
$50.7 million.

– Jobs: More than 2,500 are based at the international airport, almost double the 1,400 jobs in 1999. About 60 percent of the jobs are with airport concessions; employment by airlines and government agencies each account for about one-fifth of the total.

Page Field General Aviation Airport: Jobs produced by airport tenants increased nearly 50 percent, from 154 to 230. The impact of Page Field Commons, a retail complex that opened in 1999 on land leased from the airport, was not part of the study.

