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ARN Online Registration Opens, Speakers Announced

The 2011 ARN Conference website has now opened its online registration portal and has announced the lineup of speakers at the show.
ARN’s online registration program will allow attendees to register, reserve hotel rooms at the special ARN Conference rate, sign up for specific sessions, and more. Registration is paperless and will allow for an easier, more streamlined process than in years past. People who registered for last year’s conference will find it especially convenient this year since their information is already contained in the data base.

ARN has also announced the speakers scheduled for the 2011 show. Daniel Levine and Shep Hyken will be the keynote speakers for days two and three respectively.  Levine, best-selling author and executive director of the Avant-Guide institute, will speak on the power of social trends and its impact on the traveling consumer.  An expert on consumer marketing, tourism and global cultural trends, Levine has authored more than 20 books and has appeared on television for BBC, NBC, Fox and others.

Best-selling author and customer service authority Hyken will cover ideas, strategies and concepts towards building the strongest possible relationship with customers, clients and fellow employees. Hyken will also conduct an invitation only private session in addition to an open workshop working directly with attendees in applying his methodologies.  His latest book, “The Cult of the Customer”, is a Wall Street Journal best seller.

Also scheduled to speak is Dionco founder and President James Dion. The renowned expert on retail trends and buyer behavior will discuss what is shaping consumer behavior, and how retailers can take advantage of these insights.  Dion will also share the results of his annual study, normally released in January.
Videos of the three speakers are also posted on the ARN Conference website for review.
“We are very excited about the high caliber of this line-up of speakers,” says Pauline Armbrust, president and CEO of ARN. “Our attendees will really walk away with fresh and timely knowledge that will support their critical decisions and help them grow their revenues.”
The 2011 ARN Revenue Conference & Exhibition will take place at the Gaylord National in National Harbor, Md.  The show, which runs from February 27th through March 1st, attracts top tier airport and concessions executives who are the premier decision makers within the industry.  The conference agenda focuses on timely topics important to the concessions business as well as provides several different forums for quality networking.  The ARN Awards Banquet, which takes place on the final night of the show, will reveal and celebrate the winners of ARN’s Best Airport & Concession Awards Program.  A conference review will appear in the March issue of ARN and a run down of award winners will be spotlighted in the April issue.
To register and for more information on the 2011 Conference, go to www.2011conference.airportrevenuenews.com.

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