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CHA Nearing Completion of Plans for Terminal Expansion

Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport Authority (CMAA) has almost completed its recent master planning process for a terminal expansion amid strong growth at Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport (CHA) both in 2018 and in the early part of 2019.

“The airport has almost completed its recent master planning process with Intervista so the actual timeline on all the projects is still being decided upon and will be the final decision of the CMAA Board of Directors,” airport spokesman Albert Waterhouse tells AXN. “We are confident that state and federal funds will be available to help support the projects along with the airport’s contribution.”

CHA recently reported that 2019 passenger volume to date is up nearly 7 percent compared it a record 2018 number of 504,298, largely due to a strong local economy.

“With companies like Volkswagen, Wacker and many others continuing to grow, including small businesses and new business industries locating in our region, our economy is strong,” Waterhouse says. “We have also listened to our customers and have been able to secure more non-stop flights to destinations that help businesses connect across the country and worldwide.”

CHA President/CEO Terry Hart recently told the Chattanooga Times Free Press newspaper that planning for the terminal expansion, which could include up to five new gates, is slated to begin next year, with construction possibly beginning in 2021.

