Terminal 4 Retail Opportunities
Outreach for Request for Proposals (RFP)
The City of Phoenix Aviation Department is conducting a series of informational meetings for retail operators and other interested parties including ACDBE, DBE and small business operators and potential retail suppliers, in preparation for the release of a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Terminal 4 Retail concession opportunities. Interested parties are encouraged to attend to learn about the procurement process and receive an overview of the retail program. This RFP will offer between 14 and 18 contracting opportunities for specified retail operations in Terminal 4. No food and beverage concession opportunities are available at this time.
Mark your calendar for scheduled outreach meetings:
Date Time Location
Tuesday, June 17 2 pm Radisson Hotel Phoenix Airport
Tuesday, July 22 2 pm Radisson Hotel Phoenix Airport
Tuesday, Sept. 16 2 pm TBD
Wednesday, Nov. 12 2 pm TBD
Please register for the June 17 meeting at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/sky-harbor-outreach-meeting-1-terminal-4-retail-opportunities-tickets-11831860413
If you have any questions, please call 602-683-2679 or email http://busopps.aviation@phoenix.gov.