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EYW Begins Concourse A Expansion

Key West International Airport (EYW) has embarked on a $100 million terminal expansion designed to improve the airport’s level of service and operational flexibility.

The design for the new building calls for clear story windows on the south side, bringing the outside in and a curtain wall system on the north side to allow natural lighting and a sense of transparency, in what the airport describes as “an aesthetic that is unmistakably at home in Key West.”

The concourse building will total 48,802 square feet and will include spaces for gates and holdrooms, restrooms, and support areas. The new concourse will be accessed from the main terminal by an extended pedestrian bridge. Additionally, the existing landside terminal building will be renovated and improved to accommodate an expanded security checkpoint with 4 lanes and added support spaces at the existing restaurant location.

Concourse A will provide expanded concession opportunities within the new construction, the airport said. A new extended passenger bridge located post security will connect the existing landside terminal building with the new Concourse A. At the existing ground level Concourse, a planned baggage-claim expansion will provide efficiency to support the increased baggage operations.

The expansion is in response to significant growth over the last five years, both in enplaned passenger volumes and new air services by major airlines, the airport said. The need for additional passenger terminal facilities was originally identified during the development of the Airport’s Master Plan Update completed in September 2019. Currently, six carriers — Allegiant, American, Delta, Jet Blue, Silver and United — serve EYW.

