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Flu Shots Available At LAX

Travelers going through Los Angeles International (LAX) who haven’t had time to get a flu shot can get it at the airport.

LAX and FLU*Ease Inc. have teamed up to offer the vaccinations post-security in Terminals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 through Dec. 20. The stations have privacy screens and are open every day from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Registered nurses give the shots for $35.

“This initiative is once again a convenient resource for travelers and part of LAX’s contribution to helping contain the spread of flu and protect the public’s safety during this flu season,” says Debbie Bowers, Los Angeles World Airports deputy executive director for commercial development. “Travelers have the convenience of getting a flu shot without having to go to a health center or a doctor’s office.”

FLU*Ease Inc. is a doctor-supervised group based in Chicago, Ill., that offers immunization services to companies and organizations.

In other LAX news…

The California Preservation Foundation has recognized the $12.3M renovation finished last June on the Theme Building at the airport.

It has bestowed upon the airport its Preservation Design Award for Preservation Technology, honoring projects that sustain the original form and extent of a structure while aiming to stop further deterioration through structural stability with a minimum of rebuilding, restoration or rehabilitation.

The other award is the Trustees Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation, which the CFP board says honors mid-century design.

The awards were presented Oct. 16 during the 27th annual Preservation Design Awards ceremony.

The Theme Building is nearly 50 years old and is a cultural and historic landmark in the center of LAX’s passenger terminal area. A three-year renovation began in February 2007, including a seismic retrofit, reconstruction of the façade of the upper and lower arches, and accessibility upgrades for visitors with disabilities.

“The innovative design of the project allowed us to maintain the original look and feel of the building and helped us preserve a landmark building for the future enjoyment of city residents and visitors and travelers at LAX,” says Deputy Executive Director David Shuter.

The California Preservation Foundation is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to preserving California’s diverse cultural and architectural heritage by providing preservation-related assistance, education and advocacy.

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