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Hudson Group Offering Service Members ‘Joe From Joe’

Hudson Group will offer uniformed members of the U.S. and Canadian armed forces “Joe from Joe.”

The promotion, taking place at more than 50 cafes across North America, will begin on U.S. Armed Forces Day, May 16; include Victoria Day and Canada Day; and continue through Independence Day, July 4.

Signs and banners at participating cafes in airports and transit terminals across the country will invite servicemen and -women to order a cup of coffee, courtesy of Joe DiDomizio, president and CEO at Hudson Group.

“A simple cup of coffee to honor those who serve … seemed a perfect expression of our company’s values and purpose, to be ‘The Traveler’s Best Friend,’” DiDomizio says. “So this year, Hudson is again honoring the commitment to pay tribute to our dedicated men and women in uniform, while honoring our own outstanding employees.”

The offer is in addition to a regular 20 percent discount Hudson Group offers North American servicemen and -women.

