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LAS Parking Areas Now Feature Express Exit

McCarran International (LAS) is now offering Express Exit, which allows drivers who park at the airport to leave more quickly.

Drivers receive a ticket as they enter the parking area and bring them to one of more than 30 Express Exit walk-up pay stations scattered throughout the parking areas. They pay for their parking at these automated stations, which validate the tickets and allow drivers to leave via the Express Exit lanes.

“We’re confident that customers will quickly recognize the benefits of Express Exit,” says Randall H. Walker, director of the Clark County Department of Aviation. “It’s unpleasant to fly home after a trip and then have to wait in line behind other drivers before you’re able to pay at an exit toll booth to get on your way. This new system reduces those hold ups for customers who take advantage of Express Exit by paying for parking before they return to their vehicles.”

The pay stations all take credit cards, and many take cash, as well; coins, however, are not accepted, and coin-operated meters are no longer being used.

The Express Exit service was first used at LAS’ economy parking lot which reopened in November 2008. It was then expanded to other locations, culminating in the addition of this month’s introduction to the public parking garage.
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