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Report: HAS Has $27B Impact On Local Economy

An impact study released Oct. 3 reports that the Houston Airport System put $27B into the economy and remains a key driver in the region’s economy.

The report says the HAS was responsible for more than 230,000 jobs last year that generated $8.7B in employment earnings.

 “According to recent numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Houston is No. 1 in the nation when it comes to job creation,” says Mayor Annise Parker. “The Houston Airport System is one of the reasons Houston holds the top spot. Our airports and all of the related support industries will continue to be catalysts for growth in the region.” 

George Bush Intercontinental (IAH) generated almost 170,000 jobs and a total earnings impact of more than $6.7B – 80% of the HAS impact. William P. Hobby (HOU) accounted for more than 51,000 jobs and an impact of $1.7B. Ellington (EFD) supported more than 10,000 jobs with an impact of $300M.

“As the results indicate, our diverse system of airports remain a driving force in Houston’s regional economy and will provide a solid foundation for future economic growth and prosperity,” says Houston Airport System Director Mario Diaz. “The Houston Airport System is poised to sustain, lead and diversify the regional economy, and is well positioned to emerge as a global gateway, connecting Houston to worldwide markets and destinations.”

The impact was measured using guidelines created by the Federal Aviation Administration in four categories: direct, indirect, induced and total.

The methodology used to measure the economic impact of Houston’s airports follows guidelines set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Economic impacts for all airports were classified into four categories: direct, indirect, induced and total. Direct impacts are those used in the production of passenger, cargo, government and private air transportation services, and indirect impacts come from spending in the local economy by air visitors. Induced impacts come from the spending and re-spending by recipients of income due to the direct and indirect impacts.

