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Request for Proposals, Terminal 4 Coffee and Quick Serve Concession Lease, San Francisco International Airport

The Airport Commission has commenced the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for the Terminal 3 Coffee and Quick Serve Concession Lease. The Lease is comprised of two locations totaling 1,991 square feet in Boarding Area F of Terminal 3.

The proposed minimum financial offer for the Terminal 3 Coffee and Quick Serve Concession Lease is $375,000.00. The Lease shall have a term of eight years and two (2) one-year options to extend. Rent shall be the higher of the Minimum Annual Guarantee or the sum of the percentage rent as follows: 6% of Gross Revenues achieved up to and including $1,500,000.00; plus 8% of Gross Revenues achieved from $1,500,000.01 up to and including $ 2,000,000.00; plus 10% of Gross Revenues over $2,000,000.00. Small, local, and disadvantaged businesses are encouraged to participate.

The Informational Conference will be held on Wednesday, June 20th, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at the Terminal 2 Partnering Conference Room, at San Francisco International Airport.

Please see http://www.flysfo.com/business-at-sfo/current-opportunities for additional information or call Nanette Hendrickson, Assistant Director, Revenue Development and Management Department, (650) 821-4500.

