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Request for Qualifications, Peña Boulevard Welcome Sign Advertising Services Concession, Denver International Airport

RFQ NO. 201738496

Description: The Department of Aviation, for the City and County of Denver (City) seeks Statements of Qualification (SOQ) from qualified respondents for the opportunity to perform advertising sales services relating to the new Denver International Airport (DEN) Peña Boulevard Welcome Sign. DEN’s Welcome sign is operated by Panasonic (PESCO) under contract with the City. The Successful Respondent will be required to develop and implement a sales growth strategy that will maximize advertising revenue generated by the Welcome Sign. Respondents will also be required to work in partnership with the City, PESCO, and in accordance with the Guidelines for Signage and Advertising on Airport Property. The anticipated duration of the services is five (5) years.

Documents Available: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) documents will be available on the DEN Contract Procurement website at http://business.flydenver.com/bizops/proprfp.asp available on February 27, 2018.

Qualification Submittal Due: All submittals must be sealed and identified as to content and be received by the above-named Denver International Airport Office no later than 2:00 PM, LOCAL TIME, Thursday, April 26, 2018. Submittals received after this time will be rejected by the City and returned to the Respondent unopened.

Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference: A Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference will be held at 11:00 AM, LOCAL TIME, Thursday, March 29, 2018 at the City Conference Room, located in the Jeppesen Main Terminal, Level 6, west inner core. At this conference, City representatives will explain the opportunity and set out the City’s expectations and will answer questions regarding this RFQ, including any written questions submitted to the City prior to the conference. Written questions for the Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference are due by 2:00 PM, MST, Tuesday, March 20, 2018, and must be submitted to April Hannon via Email: contract.procurement@flydenver.com (with this specific opportunity identified in the subject line). City will post all questions and answers on the DEN Contract Procurement website, http://business.flydenver.com/bizops/rfp.asp following the deadline for submittal of questions.

To ensure transparency, all questions must be submitted in writing and will be posted at the following site listed http://business.flydenver.com/bizops/proprfp.asp. City representatives will not answer any telephone inquiries about the RFQ.

All questions or comments concerning this RFQ and opportunity must be submitted in writing, through email to contract.procurement@flydenver.com (with this specific opportunity identified in the subject line). However, Respondents should direct questions about ACDBE obligations to the Division of Small Business Opportunity (DSBO) at certificationinfo@denvergov.org. Questions and answers about this RFQ and opportunity will be posted at the following link: http://business.flydenver.com/bizops/proprfp.asp under the questions and answers tab. Answers are posted as they become available Except questions directed to DSBO, all questions and comments must be received no later than 2:00 PM, LOCAL TIME, Thursday, April 12, 2018.

ACDBE Requirements

For this opportunity, DSBO’s Director has established a minimum ACDBE participation goal of two percent (2%). In addition to direct ownership, ACDBE participation may be in the form of a joint venture, partnership or other legal arrangement meeting the eligibility standards in 49 C.F.R. Part 23. Additionally, the ACDBE goal for this opportunity also may be met through the providing of goods and services from certified vendors.

Pamela Dechant, Acting Senior Vice President for Concessions

