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Retail Concession Opportunity at San Francisco International Airport – Terminal 3

San Francisco International Airport has commenced the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for the Terminal 3 Pop-Up Retail Concession Program. Staff invites you to attend the informational meeting on November 10, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Terminal 2 Partnering Conference Room No. T2-2-205, at San Francisco International Airport. The Terminal 3 Pop-Up Retail Program is comprised of one retail location measuring approximately 304 square feet, located in Boarding Area E of Terminal 3. The space will be move-in ready with fixtures provided, and will require minimal costs to start up. The successful proposer will be offered an agreement term of twelve months. This concession is intended for the nonexclusive sale of retail merchandise reflective of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area.

Documents and additional information will be made available online for your viewing at http://www.flysfo.com/business-at-sfo/current-opportunities on or about October 23, 2015.

For additional information, please contact Trevor Brumm, Principal Property Manager, Revenue Development and Management, at (650) 821-4500, or via email at SFOConcessions@flysfo.com.

