SAT Annual Report Wins MarCom for BQR Advertising Firm

BQR Advertising and Public Relations Inc. won the MarCom Platinum Award for its work in creating the 2011 annual report for San Antonio International (SAT).

The company also won an honorable mention for the logo and tagline it developed for the San Antonio airport’s concessionaire marketing group.

“We are excited to add to our portfolio of award-winning work in the field of aviation marketing,” says Vicki Roy, agency creative director and principal. “We’ve worked extensively with every segment of the aviation industry: passenger and cargo airlines, logistics companies, air couriers, airports and concessionaires. It’s a specialty we have pursued for the last 15 years with great success. We’ve come to understand the aviation industry very well, both from both business-to-business and business-to-consumer aspects.”

The nationwide competition is sponsored and judged by the association of Marketing and Communication Professionals.



