In a move airport industry officials hope provides additional tools to help alleviate congestion and delays, the U.S. Department of...
READ MORE35 Groups Draft Letter To U.S. Senate
by airportxadmin | Mar 12, 2008 | News Flash
Thirty-five aviation organizations have written a letter to the U.S. Senate asking members to pass a bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation...
READ MOREUSA Today Postpones Price Increase
by airportxadmin | Dec 13, 2007 | News Flash
After receiving several complaints from retailers and meeting with ACI-North America officials, USA Today will postpone its price increase...
READ MOREUSA Today Postpones Price Increase
by airportxadmin | Dec 11, 2007 | News Flash
After receiving several complaints from retailers and meeting with ACI-North America officials, USA Today will postpone its price increase...
READ MOREAirport industry opposing Lampson-Poe Amendment
by airportxadmin | Sep 25, 2007 | News Flash
Rep. Nick Lampson, D-Texas, and Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, have jointly offered an amendment that would strip an increase to the Passenger Facility...