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Tender for Air Cargo Terminal Concession Argyle Int’l Airport St. Vincent and the Grenadines



Tel: 784-458-0333


Invitation to Tender

The International Airport Development Company Limited (IADC) is seeking Proposals for the following concession at the Argyle International Airport, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Air Cargo Terminal Concession


 The International Airport Development Company Ltd. (IADC) is hereby inviting sealed proposals from qualified firms with demonstrable experience to Manage and Operate an Air Cargo Centre at the Argyle International Airport on St. Vincent.

Proposal documents can be obtained at the Office of the IADC upon payment of a non-refundable Proposal Fee of Two hundred  and Seventy Eastern Caribbean Dollars (EC$270.00) OR (One Hundred United States Dollars USD100.00) by cashier’s cheque made payable to the International Airport Development Company Ltd.  A copy of the receipt must be submitted with the Proposal.

Proposers are advised that a Pre–Proposal Conference and site visit is scheduled for Proposers on Friday 17th July, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Boardroom, IADC Office, Argyle International Airport, St. Vincent and is not mandatory.  This meeting and site visit would allow Proposers to acquaint themselves with the site on which the facility is being constructed and to get background information on the Argyle Airport project.  Proposers are responsible for making their own arrangements to attend this meeting and site visit.

Proposers should submit one (1) original and five (5) copies of the Proposal enclosed in plain sealed envelope/s and labeled:

“Proposal for Air Cargo Center, Argyle International Airport”

Proposals must be addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer

International Airport Development Company Ltd.

Argyle International Airport

P.O. Box 2817


St. Vincent, West Indies.

The Proposals will be opened publicly on the 11th September, 2015 at 2:15 p.m.  Proposers or their representatives may be present at the opening.

IADC does not bind itself to accept the highest or any other Proposal and also reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposals.  IADC will not be responsible for defraying any cost incurred by any Proposer during the preparation and/or submission of their Proposal.



 Envelopes with Proposals must be delivered to the Receptionist at the IADC’s Office, Argyle, St. Vincent, no later than 2:00 pm on 11th September, 2015.




Chief Executive Officer

International Airport Development Company Ltd.






