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Will Rogers World Airport Advertisement Request for Proposals for Airport Food Service and Retail Concession

The Oklahoma City Airport Trust (OCAT) invites proposals from qualified business entities demonstrating expertise in designing, constructing, operating, and managing food service and retail concessions at airports or other transportation centers, shopping centers, malls, or metropolitan areas to operate and manage the food service and retail concessions at Will Rogers World Airport.

The OCAT has partnered with BidSync, Inc. to accept proposals electronically. Interested parties are invited to download the Request for Proposals solicitation package through the BidSync system by registering at https://www.periscopeholdings.com/bidsync/the-city-of-oklahoma-city.

A mandatory pre-proposal meeting and concession program tour will be held on November 14, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. CST at 7100 Terminal Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 in the Osage conference room located on the second floor of the terminal. Proposals will be due on January 8, 2020. Additional information, including the pre-proposal meeting response form, can be found in the RFP document located on BidSync.

